AI-First Browser

Browse faster, search smarter and stay safe with our AI-powered engine
Translate feature iconAI Chat feature iconSEO IconImages Generator Icon
AI search screen, mobile and desktop version

Discover new features

example of AI image generation

An image of samurai cat

An image of samurai cat

An image of samurai cat

An image of samurai cat
Create amazing
images easily
Just describe what you want, and our AI will make it for you
Translate to any language
Translate text from any language automatically
example of AI translate

Chat with

Chat easily with our AI assistant that gets you and replies naturally
Chat with AI Assistant example

Boost your productivity

Quickly shorten long texts into brief summaries using our smart summarization tool
Your Text
Thank my team for a great job
Craft Content
Write great articles, emails, and essays easily, just the way you want them
Blog Posts
Write interesting blog posts on any topic with ease, including hashtags that fit your needs and your readers' interests
example using Sigma AI Browser with blog posts

Get better experience with Sigma

Lightning Fast Speed
Browse the internet quickly and save battery life
Private and Secure
Keep your online activities private with a private browsing mode and advanced data protection
Sync Across Your Devices
Keep your bookmarks, browser settings, and history the same across all your devices

Frequently asked questions

How to use AI chat for free?
Is Sigma AI Browser safe? 
What pre-installed extensions does Sigma AI Browser have?
Are there any free AI tools in SigmaBrowser?
Is Sigma AI Browser a private browser?
Why is Sigma AI Browser better than Chrome?
How do I download and install Sigma AI Browser?